2 min readSep 22, 2021
I have completed a course on Introduction to Data Science, where I studied some concepts related to Big Data and got some notes which only now I am sharing in this platform
Big Data refers to the dynamic, large and disparate volumes of data being created by machines, people etc.
Five V’s of Big Data:-
- Velocity:- It is the speed at which data accumulates. Eg: Every 60 second hours of footage are uploaded to Youtube which is generating data.
- Volume:- It is the scale of the data or increase in amount of data stored. Eg: World population is 7 Billion, they generate and store data.
- Variety:- It is the diversity of the data. Eg: Text, Pictures, Audio, Internet of things etc.
- Veracity:- It is the quality and origin of data and its conformity to facts and accuracy. Eg: 80% of data is unstructured and must be categorized, analyze and visualized.
- Value:-It is our ability and need to turn data into values.