Companies that are benefited with the help of Data Science
Here we are going to discuss about applications such as Recommendation Engine and Big Data. They played a crucial role in growth of some companies.
NETFLIX:- It collects and analyzes massive amounts of data from users. They can be confident that a show will be hit before filming even starts.
How can they do that, because of Recommendation Engine & it is a application of Data Science.What’s that term mean? It uses machine learning algorithms to make specific recommendations derived from customers historical and behavioural preferences.
With this fine tool they found out people’s interest and released a series named “HOUSE OF CARDS” a british version and it made a huge hit.
I got to know about all these when I was studying on applications of Data Science.
HOUSTON ROCKETS:-It is an NBA team raised their game play using BIG DATA an application of Data Science.
The team installed a video tracking system which got raw data from games. They analyzed the video tracking data too find out best opportunities for high scores from their plays. It revealed the shots which provide high scores. In that league they scored more points.